8 months later
2 months later

If you belong to the working class, rent before you own a house. If you work, obviously you want to rent a house/apartment near it. You don't want to buy a house while working, because if you left the job, the house would greatly add up to your liability lists. But you know it all depends upon your capability and agility in life.

a year later
2 months later

There are rent to own options everywhere. Invest in a good place like in the Fort. If you are interested, send me an email at mgoco.megaworld@gmail com 🙂

a month later
5 months later

It really all depends on your job, salary, expenses, savings, and future plan. In my own opinion, it's ultimately better to own a home than renting one. Once your home loan has been paid off then you can stay without any worries. Owning a home can be the first priority while other things like a car, appliances, etc. can wait. If you are interested in buying a house it might also be wise to consider a trusted home building developer in your area. You could check Paradise Developments and their communities in GTA as their communities combine qulity and affordable prices.

It is definitely better to own a property because you'll get legal ownership and your money will go into your investment, unlike renting. If you wanna know more about growing your money, feel free to contact me at 0939 351 5276 or visit my business page https://www.facebook.com/aurafstotomas.alveo/

18 days later

I've read that the property market as a whole may experience a decline in prices soon. Maybe it's an opportunity to take advantage of?

4 years later

Hi, for me, it is better to buy a house because you can always do what you want with your property, either you live in it or do business with it. And your family can inherit your property so you have something to leave them when you're gone. Just practically speaking.